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Only Human is a hilarious, touching and politically aware movie from Spain.  Not in the theaters but at Netflix, so you probably can’t get it in time for this weekend, but put it on your list.  In these gruesome weeks [see posts below] we all need a lift.

Only Human is about the most comically dysfunctional family you’ve seen in a good long while –Spanish Jews in Madrid, Spain.  The family dinner is about to spin out of control when the guests of honor arrive — one of the daughters with her fiancee — who, it turns out, is Palestinian!  Spanish Palestinian to be exact but hey, 2,000 years of history can’t be forgotten merely because they are all Spaniards.

There are too many laugh-out-loud situations to reprise here but treat yourself. You’ll feel better after you’ve seen it, momentarily at least.

My favorite was the Arabic dancing on the table top….