Workers, Unions and Organizing in Literature
A List in Progress
Not a list of biographies and histories of Labor Leaders and Unions, nor a List of Left or Progressive protagonists in general – which are other lists, and beyond my present capacity to put together.
Sister Carrie, Dreiser, Theodore strike included
By Bread Alone. I.K. Friedman
socialist revolution and its dramatic analysis of the forces at work in the Carnegie Steel strike at Homestead, Pennsylvania
The Jungle, Upton Sinclair
no mention communist
Quite a few mention of Socialist and socialism. A Lithuanian, Ostrinski, explains Socialism at length to Jurgis. Many strikes, of three days or less.
The Iron Heel, Jack London,
Hero a socialist not communist
Valley of the Moon, Jack London
Billy and Saxon’s early married life is disrupted by a major wave of strikes. Billy is involved in violent attacks on strike breakers, and goes to jail
Marching Men – Sherwood Anderson AVAIL LINK PLUS
No mention of communist or communism but quite a few for socialist
Major themes of the novel include the organization of laborers, eradication of disorder, and the role of the exceptional man in society. The latter theme led post-World War II critics to compare Anderson’s militaristic approach to homosocial order and the fascists of the War’s Axis powers.
Babbitt, Sinclair Lewis (also see 1935)
strikes mentioned multiple times, mainly as object of derision or fear by Babbitt and friends
Oil!, Upton Sinclair
Dad’s workforce goes on strike. Bunny is torn between loyalty to Dad and his friendship to Ruth and her rebellious brother Paul, who support the workers
some use of Communist in later part of book, mostly as looking across to Russia, not (as far as I can tell yet) or organizers, or any actual character in the book — more like a distant (and threatening?) other
p 256 my edition first time Communist appears re the Civil war and the “half-starved and ragged Communists drove back their foes.”
Red Harvest, Dashiell Hammett The backdrop for this detective novel is the 1917 strike by copper workers in Butte, Montana—and the murder of IWW organizer Frank Little
“Ernita” by Theodore Dreiser in Gallery of Women – semi fictionalized biographies
she is a communist; separates from the IWW
Praised by Humboldt in Masses and Mainstream, June 1949)
Strike! by labor journalist Mary Heaton Vorse, based on the 1929 action by textile workers in Gastonia, North Carolina
To Make My Bread, Grace Lumpkin
Stevens, a Communist, is a shadowy, symbolic figure organizes meetings — only a device (Humboldt in Masses and Mainstream, June 1949
Call Home the Heart, Fielding Burke and see 1935
Ishma Hensley, leaves husband, demonstrates racism and then self repulsion; communist Derry Unthank also distorted view of Negro
(Humboldt in Masses and Mainstream, June 1949)
Union Square, Albert Halper
Communist, Leon Fisher a fragile, moderately talented painter… rootless irony (Humboldt in Masses and Mainstream, June 1949)
Beyond Desire, Sherwood Anderson 1934 – strike, dynamiting a dam
Parched Earth, Arnold Armstrong, 1934 strike dynamiting of dam
The Death and Birth of David Markand, Waldo Frank 1934 concludes to devote his life to bringing Socialism to power p 159
The Shadow Before, William Rollins
Marvin, organizer, textile strikes of south transported to New England – idealized version of Fred Beal
The Land of Plenty,Robert Cantwell, 1934.
“A careful and solidly rendered account of a strike in a veneer mill on the Northwest coast, where Cantwell himself had grown up and worked.
Tortilla Flat, John Steinbeck, 1935
workers, not esp organizing
- Also a Movie
Marching! Marching!, Clara Weatherwax
Mario Quillermo. without sentimentality of prudishness, early death (Humboldt in Masses and Mainstream June 1947)
A Stone Came Rolling, Fielding Burke and see 1932
Isham again (from 1932) paen to learning
(Humboldt in Masses and Mainstream, June 1949)
It Can’t Happen Here, Sinclair Lewis (also see 1922)
On the way to a Nazi-like U.S. lots of mention and mockery of unions, workers, communists and socialists.
“All these corrupt and self-seeking labor unions! Money grubbers!”
- √ In Dubious Battle, 1936, John Steinbeck: Organizing, Strike
Also a Movie, 20xx
Pressman, Richard S. “Individualists or Collectivists: Steinbeck’s In Dubious Battle and Hemingway’s To Have and Have Not.” Steinbeck Quarterly 25.03-04 (Summer/Fall 1992): 119-133.
Rose, Alan Henry. “Steinbeck and the Complexity of the Self in In Dubious Battle.” Steinbeck Quarterly 9.01 (Winter 1976): 15-19
Sarchett, Barry W. “In Dubious Battle: A Revaluation.” Steinbeck Quarterly 13.03-04 (Summer/Fall 1980): 87-97
Wilson, Jerry W. “In Dubious Battle: Engagement in Collectivity.” Steinbeck Quarterly 13.01-02 (Winter/Spring 1980): 31-42
Blasted (properly) by (Humboldt in Masses and Mainstream June 1947)
Of Mice and Men , John Steinbeck 1937, is a tragedy that was written in the form of a play. The story is about two traveling ranch workers, George and Lennie
The Invaders, 1937, Stuart Engstrand, John Reed Club, early novels high praise
“the finest proletarian novel” by Edwin Berry, Communist critic
Adventures of a Young Man, John Dos Passos 1938 communist characters are without exception despicable, weak, double-dealing and contemptible p 157
Industrial Valley, Ruth McKenney 1939 – Akron rubber strike of 1934
South of Joplin Lallah Davidson 1939 lead min strikes of Pickers
Rope of Gold, Josephine Herbst two develop into organizers; communist convictions
Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck, 1939
Some mention about “getting organized” when in camp, and several warnings about ‘Reds;” such resistance as comes is spontaneous, Casy for example; nothing about socialists, or communists
…the best-selling book of 1939 and 430,000 copies had been printed by February 1940.[3] In that same month, it won the National Book Award, favorite fiction book of 1939, voted by members of the American Booksellers Association.[3] Soon, it won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, and its Armed Services Edition went through two printings.[4]
The Girl, Meridel Le Sueur (revised in 1978 for Feminist Press)
Women in a speakeasy bar; right off about men coming on, and some organizing Amelia, not called a communist but invites narrator to The Workers Alliance p 2
- The Stricklands, Edwin Lanham
- Negro organizer, Rocky Jones, easrly martyrdom (Humboldt in Masses and Mainstream June 1947)
- Underground Stream, Albert Maltz
- “Like most of his other work, is a search for moral sources
- Princy, a Communist, Detroit auto worker
- a bit of agit prop schematicism; other trainers, temptation and fear
- (Humboldt in Masses and Mainstream June 1947)
- Native Son, Richard Wright
- Two communists in book, sympathetic but presented somewhat condescendingly; Wright has so perverted the Communist position
- Jan a communist, awkward and insensitive
- Blood on the Forge, William Attaway African American writer; in Pittsburgh
- Jake Home, Ruth McKenney
- (Humboldt in Masses and Mainstream July 1947)
- The Grand Crossing, Alexander Saxton (and see 1948)
- (Humboldt in Masses and Mainstream July 1947)
- The Last Tycoon, F., Scott Fitzgerald (unfinished in ’42, published posthumously)
- Communist a minor character decks rich tycoon
- The Judas Time, Isidor Schneider
- (Humboldt in Masses and Mainstream June 1947)
- Clarkton, Howard Fast
- (Humboldt in Masses and Mainstream June 1947)
- Knock on Any Door, Willard Motley (1909-65) (Also see 1951)
- The Great Midland, Alexander Saxton
- One of the best novels ever to portray the lives of American Communist activists, The Great Midland is a story of love and radical politics set just before World War II. (Goodreads, reader)
- (Humboldt in Masses and Mainstream June 1947)
- Home is the Sailor, Beth McHenry and Frederick N. Meyers
- (Humboldt in Masses and Mainstream July 1947)
- *We Fished all Night, 1951 , Willard Motley (1909-65) (Also see 1947)
re Progressives, Communists and labor in late 1940s
- Sometimes A Great Notion, Ken Kesey
- The Ink Truck, William Kennedy, a “comic novel about a flailing and failing newspaper strike.”
1960s – 70s Many Books re Cesar Chavez – any in novels?
- Triangle, Katharine Weber from A Novel Idea: Fiction for Labor Activists | Labor Notes
- Work Song, by Ivan Doig Outside US
Another interesting book, for some readers will be
And another, more for leisure reading
Outside U.S.
- Germinal, the 1885 classic by Emile Zola, France
- The Mother, Maxim Gorky (English in 1906)
- Pelle the Conqueror, Nexon (Swedish)
- *
- * compared to Les Miserables
- * Organizers/ Communists?
- * Also film
- *
1927 – 1940,B Traven, proletarian adventure novels
- The Cotton Pickers (1927; retitled from The Wobbly)
- The Death Ship: The Story of an American Sailor (1926; first English pub. 1934) ISBN 1-55652-110-3
- The Jungle Novels — not about organizing per se but from an under-proletariat point of view
- Government (1931)
- The Carreta (1931, released in Germany 1930)
- March to the Monteria (a.k.a. March To Caobaland) (1933)
- Trozas (1936)
- The Rebellion of the Hanged (1936; first English pub. 1952)
- General from the Jungle (1940)
- Man’s Fate / La condition humaine, Andre Malraux
- Chinese civil war and revolution
- L’espoir / Man’s Hope, Andre Malraux
- Spanish Civil war, from Republican side; much about the anarchist unions of the C.N.T and F.A.I, Many comparisons between communists and anarchists as to discipline, courage. While not a novel of workers and their allies organizing in “normal times” as “novel time” it is a good rep of having communists in actual situations they were / or might have been in
- God’s Bits of Wood by Ousmane Sembene, nominated by UE organizer Erin Stalnaker, tells the story of a strike by Senegalese railworkers against their French employers in 1947-48
- The Organizer, a Movie, directed by Mario Monicelli with Marcello Mastrorianni
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